Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chick-Fil-A......Not such a good idea dear!

Who created this place...no really it's as though a wrinkle in the space and time continuum has allowed these little boxes of social evil to wreak havoc on suburban street corners across the nation. While you may think I am about to plunder down the road of employment discrimination that seems very viable at these establishments filled with mostly Caucasian customer service super robots it is more about the customer demographic and a funny experience than anything else.

Now don't get me wrong I love the food there and maybe more than I should based on my recent waistline measurements that go hand in hand with the amount of stress any family in our circumstances is bound to endure so don't feel bad for an extra cookie with dinner if you catch my drift.

Back to the rant......

This will be fair warning to other families in our situation, please DO NOT GO TO CHICK-FIL-A to discuss the feedback from your child's autism evaluations. In an instant you are bound to be overwhelmed by the amount of suburban housewives with their socially perfect multi-gender brood of children dressed in the coolest new fads, football jerseys, cell phones in tote, every one of them conducting themselves with manners just north of any toddler in a tiara.

Not until this moment had it all meant anything.......

All the hopes of him "growing out of it" or this "being a phase" and those desires to attend his friends birthday parties without the fire alarm being tripped or another child leaving with teeth marks in his arm all dashed in a few bites of your chicken sandwich. All of a sudden the imaginary feeling of things being "normal" sways in your stomach, a cute little boy pops his head over the booth beside you and says "Hello" while sneaking in a cute little smile and right then....right that moment....you are aware that your little boy will not be the one in the booth next to anyone saying a polite "Hello",nope in our case you best duck if you are anywhere within this little guys left armed throw because anything not bolted down is about to go flying.

So as I drive by the Chick-Fil-A in our neighborhood from now on I will hear in my head "Not such a good idea dear" in my wife's lovely voice reminding me that when your whole life changes sometimes the things that used to be "normal" are now foreign and things foreign like the alphabet you just overheard your child start to recite in Spanish when you have no idea even where or how he learned this new language will be the things you grow to cherish.

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