Sunday, September 26, 2010

" Is Broken "

Been a few days since my last post which makes the title so much more appropriate.

The new phrase in our house as of recent "is broken" refers to everything, my wife and I feel broken, a number of our things have been broken, and it seems as though our little man feels that breaking everything is sight as his new forte.

Yesterday it was our digital camera, today a crafted ceramic bowl holding flowers that is an important part of our living room. The list of things broken is getting way to long from toys to torn up pictures, coloring and ripping up books and now even things at his school that belong to someone else "IS BROKEN".  The receiver of various toys and cups and food to the back of the head while driving and anything else he can get his hands on is sometimes a bit dangerous. I can only imagine as you're reading this that you have to be asking yourself how do these parents let this happen and to be honest we don't.  Unfortunately a part of our son's unique case is that he has what doctors refer to as rapid outbursts with no emotional attachment which means he shows no verbal or non-verbal signs of an oncoming attack, and even while in the middle of an episode he has been known to show no signs of anger or anxiety and even laughs or smiles in the midst of throwing something at your face at close range. 

We used to get a heads up before an episode of destruction thanks to our friends at Thomas the Train who invented the song "accidents happen" to which every train on the show gets in a wreck or crashes, we knew as soon as we heard the song begin to exit his mouth that it was about to go down and we could get prepared but he has since left the world of Thomas and our saving grace of an alarm bell that is "accidents happen" is no longer there to help us in tough times. 

As we are learning this is some form of communication but a form that is starting to wear a bit on the nerves of his loved ones. There is something about watching your child tear things apart with no concern for safety or value that is disheartening but something that is a part of this battle we have chosen to take on saving one broken item at a time.

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