Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Waiting List"

I find myself in deep thought, conversation, or some stage of planning our son's treatment for Autism so much so that it is hard to remember that there is anything else going on in my household and that is just not the truth.

This week will represent some major progress we have made on the front of creating a supportive environment for our son while adding the right resources to assist in our plan to get him on track for public schooling in 22 months.

One of the steps we have taken has met us with a challenge that we did not anticipate thus rendering some of our progress null and void. In our efforts to better understand what types of specialty programs exist in the field of ABA therapy which would be one of the major steps to our success with our son we have found that the abundance of programs in our area of Houston Texas to be very satisfactory from the outside looking in but once you get to talking to these programs the ugly truth rears its head, stares you in the eye with compassion, and asks you to kindly join the "Waiting List".

Okay now wait a minute.

So let's say money was not an issue (it is but for this case let's say it's not) , and you're telling me that you can provide everything my child needs to be more successful in his treatment prior to beginning school and you have a proven track record of this being done but unfortunately he may have to wait 4-6 months to begin your services.

Really, really.

And you say that you are spread to thin or just don't feel comfortable in providing services to a larger group of children with needs but based on your waiting list and the waiting list of all the other providers in town you just can't see a way to make it happen......oh really.

Insistent on not taking no for an answer I am on a mission and will solve this problem, period. Not just for our own child but for the parents who have yet to venture down this path I cannot sleep at night knowing that we are being set aside to wait on something that early intervention has clearly proven to have a solid success rate and that is just not going to work for us...and for anyone else!

To be continued........

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